We struggle to maintain our garden and make it as green and beautiful as possible. But that one thing that could be the most annoying is garden pests. Imagine taking a view in your personal garden and noticing a soul frightening pest crawling on your beautiful flower. It is time for you to call pest control in Birmingham and services as such.

That is very disturbing. Do not rick wrecking your precious plant babies with harmful pesticides. Rather than these chemicals, natural solutions could also be effective. Here are the 5 most effective ways to get rid of annoying pests running wild in your garden. 


These insects love beer as much as humans do. You could fill an empty food can with beer and conceal them into the garden soil leaving the rim of the can on the surface open. Overnight, these pests will head into the beer and eventually drown and die. You can then throw this can and replace it with a new one. 


Snails love to take shelter under damp and shady areas. So take a wooden plank or board and put it on the surface of the soil of your garden. Snails would soon take shelter and once they do, scrape these creatures into the trash bin. Another great tip for avoiding snails in your garden is that water your garden during the morning time. Let the soil be dry at night. 


Who doesn’t welcome butterflies in one’s garden? Caterpillars, however, tend to destroy flowers, fruits and vegetation in the garden. Pick these pests off your plants manually and plant oregano and thyme in your garden. These are caterpillar repellant plants. 


To get rid of these, you can roll up single sheets of newspaper and set them down around your garden. When sunrise, these pests would crawl inside the wet paper sheets to seek refuge. You can then collect the papers before they dry and burn them. Throwing them in the trash would make a difference as they would eventually crawl out back into your garden. 


These pests are very tricky and small to get rid of. You can easily spot the mishaps caused by them noticing yellowing leaves and sticky plants, which is because they suck the sap out of them. Gather lemon and orange and mix it with some boiling water. Strain it through a filter after overnight to remove the bits of rind left behind them. Fill the liquid into a spray bottle and sprinkle it on the plant leaves. 

Use search words like pest control in Birmingham to direct your queries to the concerned department.