Many CBD users have heard of hemp flower because cannabidiol is obtained from them. These buds are gaining in popularity as they have proven to be a great and effective alternative to CBD oil. These are raw tops (flowers) of hemp that are slightly dried and ready to use.

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As seen on, hemp contains up to 0.3% THC or a psychoactive substance. It is found in traces and has absolutely no narcotic effect. Some hemp strains are rich in beneficial cannabinoids. These compounds are extracted from plants and used to make CBD oil. However, even without the extraction method, the use of hemp flowers in its raw form is beneficial and harmless.

Another reason why a flower containing CBD has become sought after is its variety of use. You can smoke it, inhale it, eat it (in the processed form), and even make tea. The use of this ingredient is entirely legal. It is not harmful (such as nicotine), and it provides all the health benefits of cannabinoids.

Smoking CBD Buds

Inhaling smoke has particular benefits for your body. It is one of the most effective ways to get your dose of cannabidiol. This method is the most popular way of consuming CBD buds. Even after the other techniques were discovered, smoking is still the most prevalent.

Note that not all types of hemp are suitable for vaping. Not because they are less effective, but because the user will not enjoy the full aroma. The strains grown indoors have the fullness of taste. They are rich in terpenes, which give the smoke a unique aroma. You can’t get that with buds from hemp plants grown outdoors.

The benefits of cannabidiol intake by inhalation are numerous. By properly smoking CBD flowers, cannabidiol reaches the lungs. From there, the entire network of blood vessels absorbs this substance and transports it to the brain. Users feel the full effect after only 3 or 4 minutes, which is why many prefer this method of consuming hemp buds.

Making Edibles

Cooking with CBD flowers is not always easy. Still, it is an excellent way of ingesting for those who are not thrilled about this ingredient’s taste. So, these flowers are edible but only when cooked. Therefore, eating raw buds is not recommended, even after drying them. Without heat, cannabidiol won’t activate, and the taste of unprocessed flowers is not great.

Before you start cooking with hemp buds, you should know that this ingredient needs pre-preparation. It is desirable to additionally dry the flowers in the oven, and use them as a spice (in small quantities). You can find an explanation on this page and make canna-butter or CBD-infused oil.

Preparing edibles takes a little more time, but you can be sure that you have made yourself a healthy meal or snack. Because nutrients are absorbed during digestion, cannabidiol takes longer to reach the bloodstream (about 2 hours). But, the effects of such consumption of hemp buds last longer than when smoking or inhaling.


Many people claim that vaping is the safest and healthiest technique to consume hemp buds. This method requires the use of vaping equipment. The vapor produced by heating is different from smoke produced as a by-product of combusting hemp buds.

In CBD steam, there is no carbon produced by the direct flaming of dried hemp. This by-product of smoke can be harmful to the user’s respiratory system. It would help if you didn’t smoke CBD daily, but found another way to take your cannabidiol dose.

CBD steam is a vapor produced by ‘cooking’ in a device called an atomizer. Pay attention to the distinction between smoke and steam. Although similar, these two do not have the same effect. Vapor disappears much faster than smoke, but the impact of vaping cannabidiol is not short-lived. The absorption rate of CBD buds is even better than when smoking or digesting this ingredient.

There is no general guide to which method of consuming hemp buds is right for you.  Many factors affect whether you will ingest cannabidiol by inhalation or digestion. You can try and see what works best for you. Combining two or more techniques for better results is safe too.