The National Highway Traffic Administration reported that car accident cases happen every 60 seconds. For each car accident, there are two sides to every story; then there’s the truth. How do we get the truth, so we don’t punish the wrong person?

Before you file an auto accident claim, think about getting a car crash expert witness. These experts can provide unbiased information regarding potential injuries or damages. If you need help persuading the juries, continue reading to learn more about getting an expert witness for a car accident.

What Is an Expert Witness for a Car Crash Case?

An expert witness has knowledge and expertise in a specific field. Their role is to provide an unbiased opinion to the court on certain areas of dispute, like a car accident.

They are not a party-appointed expert consultant who assists in the conception and preparation of the party’s claim or defense. Their primary obligation is to the party directing them, not the court.

How Will an Expert Witness Assist You in a Car Accident Case?

The expert witness will offer reports for the opposing party and court to review. The report allows the expert to testify in court. At that point, you will get a copy of the opposing side’s witness report as well.

Keep in mind that the expert witness owes the court a primary obligation. This obligation outweighs any obligation to you, even though you remain liable for the expert’s fees. The court expects the expert witness to be objective and neutral and will disregard any testimony that seems too one-sided.

What Will an Expert Witness Not Do?

An expert witness will not act as your advocate or argue for your case. They will not gather evidence or make recommendations. It is up to you or your legal counsel to plead for your cause.

They can’t provide any information that is not directly related to their area of expertise. They can’t accept any appointment that puts you in a conflict of interest type of situation. They are not allowed to receive extra fees to make a case favorable to your outcome.

Different Types of Expert Witnesses

Finding the appropriate expert witness for a case may be challenging, especially if you want a particular witness. To assist you in locating someone, the following are the key types of experts:

Forensic Science

These professionals handle cases involving law and criminal actions. This includes ballistic specialists, blood spatter analyst, psychiatrists, and biologists.


These professionals deal with financial issues, such as accountancy, tax evasion, fraud, or money laundering. They aid in determining the precise allocation of assets in probate court.


These experts can testify on various issues ranging from medical malpractice to personal injury lawsuits, like a car accident. Typically, medical expert witnesses are physicians or nurses, but they may also be therapists or technologists. They are often physicians helping lawyers fight the client’s car crash cases.

Vocational Specialists

These experts determine whether a person may return to work and what capacity. The Social Security Administration often contacts them in connection with lost income and workers’ compensation.


These expert witnesses determine if a product adheres to safety protocol. Engineering professionals may also be helpful in production and design. They often possess the skills necessary to defend against copyright allegations.

Mental Illness

While a mental health expert witness is comparable to a medical expert, they are better equipped to determine if someone is stable enough to stand on trial. They can also diagnose whether the driver had any mental instability.


These experts offer in-depth testimony in cases involving drugs or alcohol. This might be helpful to determine if the driver was under any influence. Hiring a qualified forensic toxicologist ensures that you have someone who can effectively analyze bodily fluids and tissues for the presence of alcohol, prescription drugs, illicit drugs, poisons, or gasses such as carbon monoxide.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Expert Witness?

The precise cost of hiring an expert witness varies according to the expert and the amount of work they have to put in on your case. Most professionals charge an hourly cost.

For example, a medical expert’s hourly rate is around $500. Nonmedical specialists are approximately $250 per hour. The fees for documentation and evaluations are different from the fees for court testimony.

Does the Expert Witness Have a Relationship With the Plaintiff?

An expert witness may have a limited connection with the plaintiff. If they are close friends, their credibility may be questioned. It is preferable to have specialists without any prior contact with the plaintiff.

Can a Car Accident Passenger Act as an Eye Witness?

Anyone present at the time of the accident may testify as an eyewitness. The testimony of a passenger in a vehicle involved in an accident may be deemed biased in some way. Third-party eyewitnesses who are fully disassociated from the accident are more credible.

What Happens if a Witness to a Car Accident Leaves?

If a witness to a car accident does not remain on the site to provide their story, their comments may be ineffective afterward. The most trustworthy eyewitness testimonies are those obtained immediately after the incident. Written reports submitted later might be inaccurate due to the passage of time.

Your legal team can advise you on whether or not to contact eyewitnesses to a high-profile accident. However, there are circumstances in which bringing in witnesses to provide testimonies later makes more sense.

What Are the Advantages of Having an Expert Witness?

Make sure to communicate with your specialist frequently. Ascertain that your witness has a complete understanding of the scenario and that you have conveyed all key elements to their knowledge. Bring them on-site and educate them on the situation, so they have a broader view.

Employ an expert early rather than later in the case. If done correctly, an expert witness can increase the likelihood of a favorable verdict by providing objective insight into the situation. With that in mind, here are some benefits to hiring an expert witness:

Ample Amount of Experience

An expert witness may have worked on several cases identical to yours. They understand how to present data succinctly and accurately for the jury or arbitrators to understand.

Saves You Money

Hiring an expert witness can save you money by helping you avoid a lengthy case. They do this by clarifying specific points and giving the facts necessary for the judge or jury to reach an informed decision.


You will need this impartial perspective to persuade the judge or jury. Since expert witnesses are not personally involved in the accident, they serve as a dependable source of information. They are deemed more ethical and do not have an inherent bias against any party.

Learn More About Expert Witnesses for Car Accident Cases

If you just got into a car accident, don’t panic and stay calm. Don’t even apologize and blabber too much. Just gather the insurance information and get ready to check up on evidence.

You will need to find an expert witness to provide unbias information. It may be challenging to know where to start, but we can help you. Check out our blog posts today for more information on car accident cases.