Bintan is the largest island in the Kepulauan Riau (Riau Archipelago) province and could be one of the main islands in ...
Around 23% of American adults are so disorganized that they pay their bills late.
But this isn’t the only aspect of our life where disorganization can nega...
When you're getting your medical degree, there will come a time when you have to choose a specialization. This is easier said than done. With all the different ...
At one point, you might consider taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and either move to the countryside or the less populated side of t...
In 2021, mobile commerce sales are expected to reach a staggering $3.56 trillion. That’s a remarkable 22.3 percent more than the $2.91 trillion recorded ...
Man’s vanity links to gold. Early man discovered gold in its natural state and that it had unique properties unmatched by any other metal. Today that int...
In recent years, sustainable packaging solutions have grown in popularity. We owe this to the need to go green so we can preserve the environment for the fut...