The importance of women bags cannot be overstated here. A handbag is a popular fashion accessory that would greatly improve on your appearance and your looks whatever the occasion may be. That is, different styles of bags are fit for different occasions and therefore it is not a crime to own a whole load of them.

Women bags are available with different features and functions. The bags are different in terms of design, color, quality, material and size among other things. The most important thing though is that when you are out shopping for a new bag, you must consider your tastes and preference.

There are a number of handbags online, and one of the popular online stores for buying shoulder bags online is SBL. Through Stalkbuylove, you would be able to find different designs of handbags online with different shapes and styles. In case online shopping is not your thing, there are a number of local stores selling handbags.

Types of women handbags

I. Clutch

This happens to be one of the most popular types of purses, a popular fashion accessory, and is always small and has a rectangular shape, looking like an envelope. Because of its often small size, trust me you won’t have any problems of carrying it around with you. As the name clutch’ suggests, you simply clutch’ it in your hands.

Sometimes the clutch purse is further broadly categorized into evening clutch and the day clutch. For the day clutch, it is greatly advised that you choose one with multiple pockets so that you are able to carry your essentials in an organized manner.

II. The Cross-body bag

This type is often popular too because it is comfortable and is worn. It is great because while it is able to keep your necessities close, it also offers you an abundant freedom for movement. Meaning you can have it especially during those days when you expect that your hands will be full of some other stuff.

A great cross-body bag should be medium and also have an adjustable and durable strap.

III. Tote Bag

The simple meaning of Tote or Tate is “to carry”. And true to its name, this kind of bags is popular when you are always on the go, particularly for women and teens.

The bag is very versatile and can be used for work, other everyday uses or even for travelling purposes. Of course that is made possible because of the spacious nature of the bag. Some can be medium while others are large.

For daily activities, a sturdy canvas tote would do the job. For work, a leather tote would do.

IV. Shoulder bags

The availability of women shoulder bags online is assured because of the popularity of this type of women handbag. Some shoulder bags, women shoulder bags online, often have double or single straps. What is more important as the name suggests is that straps are often elongated enough to enable over the shoulder carrying. Additionally, it is important to know that shoulder bags are often compartmentalized to enable orderly storage of your accessories.

Now you can easily find wide range of trendy collection of handbags at and enjoy latest trends at lowest price.