In current times, it is unusual for clients to carry hard cash around due to security reasons. It is for this reason that most businesses are delving into credit cash processing. Not only is it safe but it guarantees one not to miss out on sales based on other modes of payment. High-risk merchants operate in high-risk industries with the financial failure being a major concern. Such a merchant requires a high-risk merchant account for credit cash processes.
Here are a few tips for high-risk merchants seeking a high risk merchant account:
Full disclosure
Most high-risk merchants downplay their products or simply refuse to disclose the services and products they offer in a bid to outsmart processors. Unfortunately, there are no means to find out business details such as auditing. Audits are costly and frustrating. Be upfront with the processor and if they deny you, keep looking for a favorable one.
Keep capital resources at hand
Proving that your business is well endowed with capital will help secure a payment processing provider. Capital at hand refers to the business resources ranging from equipment, tools, machinery, and inventory used to generate income. Productive assets ensure the bank and underwriters are willing to provide credit payment processing services.
Productive capital resources are an indication that the business can absorb losses.
Ignore present limits
Processors set a current limit on the number of transactions they process for the high-risk business. In most cases, the business will take off and the transactions processed will increase. The processor may charge a penalty fee for the exceeded limit. For a high-risk merchant, one needs to use a processor with an unlimited transaction volume to avoid present limits.
Prepare for the reserves
Businesses with high-risk processors set aside money to handle any unforeseen payment issues such as chargebacks, debit transactions, and claims. Some transactions platforms such as PayPal require two reserves:
• A rolling reserve – here a percentage of the transaction(s) done daily is held and released later on scheduled basis.
• A minimum reserve – a specific minimum amount of cash is kept in this reserve at all times.
When a percent of sales is held, it could disrupt business cash flow. Keep track of the reserves and any other fees.
Tighten up security
Payment processors should provide secure gateways and virtual terminals; that is non-negotiable. Ensure encrypted server transactions protect transactions made online. Adhere to the regulations set up by the payment card industry data security standards.
As a high-risk merchant look for a payment processor that specifically fits your high risks business to ensure transactions with a low risk of fraud or charge backs. A good credit payment processor builds the businesses reputation and credit worthiness.