If you are the manager of a restaurant or other business that uses elevators frequently, then you are going to be pleased to know that there is a simple yet effective solution to an elevator smoke curtain. There are several reasons that elevators can become a hot spot in your establishment.
Prevent The Smoke From Getting Up Into Your Customers’ Faces
First, an elevator smoke curtain will prevent the smoke from getting up into your customers’ faces. This is especially important if there is no barrier between your customer’s faces and the smoke. If the smoke gets up into your customers’ eyes, this could cause serious eye damage or even blindness.
Keep The Smoke From Escaping And Getting Out On Your Customers And Employees
Second, it will keep the smoke from escaping and getting out on your customers and employees. Some of the smoke will be able to escape into the air and onto your customers’ and employees’ clothes, but the majority of it will simply stay in the air and be blown back into the air vents. It will stop this from happening. This is a very good thing, because when it does happen, it will be more difficult for the smoke to get back into the air vents and to your customers’ and employees’ faces.
Prevent The Smell Of Smoke From Coming Out Of The Vents
Third, it will help to prevent the smell of smoke from coming out of the vents. The reason why the smoke gets out of the vents is because it has a hard time sticking to the metal surface and is very heavy. By putting a smoke barrier in the vents, the smoke cannot stick and will instead be blown away.
Keep Your Employees Safe
Fourth, It will help you to keep your employees safe. Many times, employees who are working in high humidity areas such as those found in restaurants can suffer from eye damage and even blindness. Using an elevator smoke curtain will help to keep their eyes safe while they work.
Help To Keep Your Establishment Clean
Fifth, an elevator smoke curtainĀ by SG Specialties will also help to keep your establishment clean. If there is smoke coming out of your vents, this will be very difficult to get off of the metal surface. Using it will help to prevent the smoke from reaching the floor. which will make it easier for you to clean up.
Protect Your Employees, Your Customers’ Eyes
There are many other reasons to use elevator smoke curtains, so there are plenty of reasons that using smoke curtains should be a part of your routine maintenance and cleaning procedures. If your establishment uses elevators, you should seriously consider purchasing one of these to protect your employees, your customers’ eyes.
Give You Peace Of Mind And Prevent Serious Eye Damage
An elevator smoke curtain will give you peace of mind and prevent serious eye damage that can occur if smoke enters your building. You will be glad that you took the step of protecting your establishment with one of these products.
Prevents The Smoke From Getting Into The Building And Causing A Fire
Also it is used to keep out smoke that comes from a malfunctioning machine. These smoke screens are attached to the elevator shaft so that they cannot get into the building. This prevents the smoke from getting into the building and causing a fire. The elevator smoke control system is normally located in an area where it will not be easily accessible by others. The smoke control unit should be cleaned thoroughly in order to ensure that it is working properly.
To find elevator smoke curtains, you can visit your local store or search online. Either way, you should look for a product that will be able to meet your needs as they pertain to keeping your building and people’s health safe.
Since smoke curtains can be quite expensive, it may be a good idea to shop around and compare prices so you will be sure to get the best price possible. when you shop for these products.
Smoke curtains come in a variety of sizes and you will want to make sure that the right one fits your requirements. The size should be just the right amount to fit around the outside of the doors.
So, now you know some of the benefits of purchasing an elevator smoke curtain. As you can see, there are lots of reasons that using this product is a good idea for your establishment.