Panther chameleons are known for their bright-colored body and relaxed temperament. They tend to live between 3 to 7 years, but very few make it to the 6-7 year mark. So you might be wondering if you can elongate their lifespan so that they can be with you for a few more years.

Well, it’s possible if you can supply it with a nutritious diet. You can learn how to feed your panther chameleon with a proper diet to elongate its lifespan by referring to the platforms, like Here’s what you will know about your pet’s feeding needs.

What do Panther Chameleons Eat?

Panther chameleons come from the island of Madagascar. They lived for centuries in the wetlands and dense forests, dining on insects and flies. But they aren’t insectivores. In the wild, they savor on anything that they deem as edible.

Insects are the best food source for panther chameleons. More specifically, it’s the cricket and dubia roaches that you should give to your pet chameleons.

Dubia roaches are rich in protein. So your chameleon will have an adequate supply of protein for muscle building and maintenance. They also supply fat, ash, fiber, and calcium, important for development.

Similarly, crickets are high in protein too. Almost 65% of their body weight consists of protein. Furthermore, they are low on carbs. They have all essential amino acids and Omega fatty acids.

You also need to take proper care of frequency. You should offer 30-40 mid-sized dubia roaches per week for adult chameleons at least seven months old. Feed them every other day.

You also need to feed 4-5 times per week for juveniles, about 20 dubia roaches in a week. You should consult with a vet or the pet shop owner for the proper frequency.

Other Food Items for Panther Chameleons

Besides crickets and dubia roaches, there are other items you can offer to your pet chameleon. Those are:

  1. Fly larvae – Chameleons love to savor on fly larvae, specifically the Black Soldier Fly Larvae or BSFL. But because of their small size, most owners refrain from using them.
  2. Hornworms – Hornworms are very high on nutrition with an adequate amount of calcium, protein, and vitamins. These worms also have a high water content, thus benefiting hydration in chameleons.
  3. Silkworms – Just like hornworms, silkworms are rich in calcium but relatively low on proteins. They also contain a mild analgesic that is best to feed to a sick panther chameleon.
  4. Superworms – Superworms are precisely what they sound like — nutrition-dense and delicious (for the chameleon). The best part is the worms are readily available and inexpensive at the same time.
  5. Mealworms – Mealworms are low on nutrition but can be a staple diet for your chameleon. They are low on fat as well.

When feeding your chameleon, it’s essential to feed the insects or the dubia roaches. You should gut-load them, i.e., satiate the insect’s hunger before offering them to the chameleon. This way, your panther chameleon gets the highest amount of nutrition.

Panther chameleons are known for their bright-colored body and relaxed temperament. They tend to live between 3 to 7 years, but very few make it to the 6-7 year mark. So you might be wondering if you can elongate their lifespan so they can be with you for a few more years. Well, it’s possible if you can supply him with a nutritious diet. In this article, you’ll learn how to feed your panther chameleon a proper diet to elongate its lifespan.